Yolanda Profile Picture

Yolanda Nyasha Chigiji

Bachelor of Science Engineering and Computer Science

Contact Details


Work Experience

Dataminr | August 2021 - January 2023 | Software Engineer

Worked on front-end development for Android & iOS apps with hybrid React Native and native architectures that provide customers with access to Dataminr’s real time alerting services
Tech Stack: Java, React Native (React Hooks), Objective C, Swift, Typescript, Javascript, Figma
Worked on front-end development using React & Javascript providing customers access to Dataminr’s real time alert services on the web app
Tech Stack: React (React Hooks), TypeScript, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Jest, Figma
Worked on back-end services using Java & Python to maintain & develop APIs that provide customers with access to Dataminr’s real time alerting services
Tech Stack: Java, Scala, Kafka, Python, AWS, Maven, Gradle, Mockito, Git, CI/CD, SQL

Reclon Consulting Engineers Zimbabwe | June 2019–August 2019 | Electrical Engineering Intern

Smith College | January 2018 | Lab Assistant

Projects and Research

Personal Projects | Web Designer & Programmer | September 2017 - Present

Summer Undergraduate Research Felowship | Research Assistant | May 2018 - August 2018

Engineering Design Projects | Team Member | September 2017 - Date

Leadership/ Volunter Experience

Girls in Robotics | Founder and Project Manager | May 2019 - Present

Smith Residence Life | House Community Advisor | August 2018 - Present

Smith College Adventist Christian Fellowship | Vice President | August 2018

Honors and Awards

Davis Projects for Peace Grant Recipient May 2019
Bridge Up Scholarship Recipient September 2018-May 2019
United States Achievers' Program Member April 2016-Present
House Sustainability Challenge Recipient April 2018

Relevant Coursework

Microelectronics Computer Networks Electrical Machines and Systems
Circuit Theory Thermodynamics Signals and Systems
Mechanics Fluid Dynamics Fundemental Engineering Principles
Python programing Probability and Statistics Data Structures through Java
Computer Graphics Analogue Electronics Renewable Energy Materials
Physics Chemistry Introduction to Microeconomics

Programming Languages & Frameworks

Soldering JavaScript
Java Blender
Linux Eclipse
Solid works Python
RStudio Laser Cutting
C Programming Language Arduino
Microsoft Word Spice(Eagle)
Microsoft Excel Powerpoint
Ndebele/Zulu Shona
jQueery Node.js
BootStrap React.js
Django FireBase
MongoDB APIs
TestFlight Android Development
Objective C Swift
Kafka iOS Development
React Native React Hooks

My Hobbies